All posts by Michael Paul Gonzalez

They’re kidding right? This can’t be real…

I love comics. I love superheroes. I love fanciful, far-out ideas and plotlines. But this, I’m not so sure about.

Why anyone would read a comic that features a “bionically enhanced” Sean Hannity, G Gordon Liddy, and Oliver North, fighting for American values is beyond me. Oh yeah, and it’s set in a “liberal-dominated” future. As opposed to post-apocalyptic, which I suppose is leftist Hollywood’s take on things. Right? What has politics come to these days?

I think this is just coming from a Foley-esque righty artist who wanted the chance to draw muscular Hannity and Liddy with no shirts on.

And the conservatives are worried that Hollywood is rotting our culture?

What’s my mood now?

Time! Time! Time!
How do I feel now?

as Stan the Man would say: ‘Nuff said. Those in the know know the deal. Those not in the know will know more in October. (This isn’t amazingly good “Mike got published” news, nor does it involve pregnancy or any other typical big good news, but it’s good news nonetheless. You’ll see).

I’m also feeling a little bit:

and a whole lot of:

But those are stories for another day.

PS: I forgot to mention the 3-0 Steeler Sacking BENGALS! Is this great or what?

Short stories and more…coming soon…

I’ve been a little slack with the blog lately, but only because I’m up to incredibly big things(tm) that you’ll hear about soon. Give me until Monday.
In the meantime, here’s a response from Keith Olbermann to President Bush’s 9/11 commemorative speech/political rally:
Keith Olbermann…
(you can see it on if the link isn’t working).
I thought Keith’s finest work was on SportsCenter, and it always puzzled me when I heard he was moving into “serious” journalism. But, man oh man, Keith is a powerhouse anchor from days of yore. He consistently hits ’em out of the park, stays on the issues, avoids slipping into Michael Moore-style hyperbole, and best of all, goads Bill O’Reilly to no end.

Lots o’ news

I’m back from visiting friends and family in Cheyenne, Wyoming. I have a lot to blog about, including my introduction to fried pickles and peanut butter (a pregnant Jenny suggested it, totally uninfluenced, she said, by her pregnancy). I liked them a lot. And I’m not pregnant. So there you go. It was a whirlwind tour from Cheyenne to South Dakota and back again with many adventures along the way. But before I detail all of these adventures, I have to discuss the event that completely ruined my trip.

Sunday night, while digging through some things to bring back to LA from storage, I came across my old Crocodile Hunter action figure. Aleks and I had fun pushing the button to make him say “What a rippa!” and “Crikey!”. I woke up Monday morning to some really really lousy news.
Steve Irwin, one of my heroes (laugh if you want), was killed by a stingray off the coast of Australia. I know many feel he was always asking for trouble with his unconventional nature around animals. I feel he was doing his part to make animals interesting and dynamic for a youth culture weaned on MTV with no attention span whatsoever. I love animals, and I know Steve did too. I only hope Terri and the kids are okay. Steve was a man who lived for every minute, a man of passion and sheer joy. I for one will deeply miss his presence.

WHOA! Nice graphics!

I don’t know why I can remember idiotic things like this, but I’m happy the internet is here to share my knowledge with you. First, I saw an article saying Stephen Colbert’s word “Wikiality” was a buzzworthy word. It reminded me of a horrible rap song ending with something that (to me anyway) sounded like “wiki-wiki-whee!”
THIS then brought to mind the entire lyrics of said commercial: The Legend of Zelda rap song. Yes, ask me anytime, anywhere, and I can bust this gem out for you. Or, if you’d like, I can sing the lyrics to the A-Team action figure commercial. This is why I can’t remember important things.

Here’s the best part for you: YouTube has a copy of said commercial. These kids are two of the absolute geekiest, most awkward, gangliest, dorkiest… well, you get the idea. You might think my favorite part would be the repeated emphasis on the blonde geek’s geekiness. Or the bad jean jacket on his Husky friend. No, my favorite is the exclamation “Whoa! Nice graphics!” followed by an intense thirty seconds of quick-cut 8-bit glory.
Ah, my childhood. NES+me+late night TV-interest in athletics until Jr. High=overweight kid with too much Pop culture knowledge.
PS – I had a similar spiky haircut as well. Those of you who were young and chunky in the 80s will remember this style well, as it preceded our Presidentially Mandated Mullet Phase. (You may want to pause the jukebox if you’re reading this from my blog’s main page)

Bullying the bullies

Let me start by saying I detest Fox-News style dueling bloviator interviews where everyone talks over everyone else and nothing gets illuminated, discussed, or solved.
When one of these shows (Hannity & Colmes, no less) gives us a video clip of Ann Coulter taking a vicious beating when faced with the facts, I have to stand up and cheer. This is my favorite video of the week! I particularly love the part where she spins helplessly in her chair, crying out for the mighty Sean Hannity to come save her. I can only assume that Hannity enjoyed watching her suffer as much as anyone else.

It was so cool to see Fox cave in under two Liberal Democrats who were clearly laying out the beginnings of a plan for fixing the war situation and improving our security. I don’t know who the woman subbing for Alan Colmes was, but she needs to be his permanent replacement. Hannity was completely cowed by her…

Follow the link to absolute hilarity! (click on Windows Media or Quicktime links)

How good was tonight?

I ate Cajun food. I helped my wife draft contracts for her photography business. Then I sat down and knocked out four and a half pages for my book! FOUR AND A HALF! In one sitting. I haven’t had a writing spell like this in quite some time. Aahhh. You know the wheels are turning right when you can get a stabbing, a romantic spat, a dead DemiGod and a resurrection in four and a half pages. I’m excited to reveal more about this latest book, but I’ll wait until I’m closer to a more complete draft.

Adam and I are rolling again on scripts. Things are moving in the right direction. Now it is late and I am bleary eyed and tired, waiting for iTunes to convert a few songs to me so I can put CDs away and clean up my desk.
And voila! It’s done.
Good night.