All posts by Michael Paul Gonzalez

Weekend O’ Marriage…

Things I did this weekend:
1. spent the entire weekend with my wife.

Period. That’s all. How cool is that? Hasn’t happened since… well, it’s been a long time since we’ve just been able to focus on each other and not our 1,000,000,000,000 projects. So, this week, I’m finishing script punching with Adam, finishing Adam’s website, updating the amazing animal productions website, and generally going crazy. I need a break. It was helpful having a half day of work today because of the immigration rallies. I didn’t get out early to march, but rather because the march was scheduled to come straight down Wilshire Blvd and threatened to trap our cars in the garage all night. I haven’t seen much coverage beyond a few fleeting seconds here and there.

Who did a better job of roasting our president at the Washington Correspondents’ Dinner? Stephen Colbert or George Bush. Funny stuff all around. Would probably be funnier if the subject matter didn’t turn my stomach quite so much. But W has quite the sense of humor.

What else is new? Well, by the end of the summer, there will be a lot of new stuff happening.

PS – my wife is also listed at the top of the supporter list for the LA Polish Film Festival.

Aleks’s website, Polka Photos, is now active! Get yer wedding shots here! Hurry!

He briefly resurfaces…

Wow. I can’t begin to describe how busy these past few weeks have been. But, they have involved playing with a chimp, so it’s all good. We went to the Poppy Festival in Lancaster, CA, where Ranger Rick was on the main stage with his Amazing Animals. Cody REALLY liked wearing my Bengals knit cap. He pulled it over his entire head and then proceeded to go nuts. Sable the chimp borrowed my wife’s shoes. We got some good shots for the website, and generally had fun. (including deep fried artichoke hearts, and Aleks finding a five dollar bill).

The new site for Amazing Animal Productions is really really close to being done, and I can’t wait to take it live. It’s going to be amazing. We’re off to another very busy couple of weeks, which will hopefully involve me getting to write again at some point.

What next?

I am on a roll for finding odd things online as of late. First Yanni turns abusive, then Calista Flockhart admits to an eating disorder, and now… this.
I think this may be an example of product placement or brand extension gone too far.
There is a baseball player named Coco Crisp.
I kid you not.
No, he doesn’t follow Count Chocula in the lineup.

If he ever gets involved in a brawl, as he charges the mound, I think fans should shout “Barney! My Pebbles!”, to which the opposing pitcher could reply “Gotta run, Fred!” while leaping out of his uniform and running through the crowd in fruit-covered boxer shorts. Do you SEE what Saturday morning cartoons and advertising have done to my brain?
(Also, I realize this is a mixed cereal metaphor, with Flintstone being the spokesperson for Cocoa Pebbles, and not Cocoa Krispies – which is Coco the Monkey – but Coco doesn’t shout anything cool like Fred.)

See the profile:

Domestic Violence is NEVER funny. But…

Imagine a drunken version of THIS coming at you in the wee hours of the morning throwing punches and cursing like a sailor.

That’s right, Yanni got caught. According to the police report, Yanni used language that would make Metallica’s James Hetfield blush. According to the initial police report, during the course of an evening, he called his live-in love a “whore”, a “c*nt”, and told her to pack her things in garbage bags, because she was garbage. You can see the whole report here:
One thing about that Yanni, he takes a heck of a good mugshot.

So… the most shocking thing to come out of all of this? Yanni’s real name is John Christopher. That’s right. With a name like that, it’s clear that our Greek hero may have hatched from the same alien eggsac as John Tesh, which would explain the musical style and odd facial hair. Here I was thinking Yanni was 100% exotic new age chanteur to the core, but alas, dreams are shattered every day…

But take heart! At the end of it all, as we here at knew all along, our man Yanni is innocent as Cottage Cheese (and I don’t even know what that means.)
The official word –

Note: no monies changed hands. Take THAT Michael Jackson! That’s right, fool! Yanni is straight up innocent, which means in this case, the idea of domestic violence is indeed funny!

Vegas, baby…

So, there shall be a detailed report coming soon, but in the meantime, know that my trip to Vegas included a detailed grilling over why my wife needed a spa 300 miles from home, the males not winning any money while the females did quite well, a singing stuffed monkey, a lot of walking the strip, a scary filthy hotel, and ultimately, a minor brush with the law (well, casino security), in which I was accused by a (VERY) drunk gentleman of stealing his f@$%ing wallet. The upshot: we got $50 in meal comps for our trouble, and I get to write a very interesting blog.
Also, it reminded me that I need to get my write-up of my month riding the LA buses online. Sorry for the delay…

Vegas and more chimps.

It has been an exhausting few weeks of web design, but educational and fun. The site will launch within the week (barring any major bugs), and you’ll be the first to know.
We’re off to Vegas this weekend to relax and see my parents, and then the following weekend will be another animal photoshoot, and on and on! We’re really busy all of a sudden!
I finished the short film script and will deliver that within the week, and Adam and I are moving closer to a test reading for our pilot scripts.
I’ve got more websites lined up to do, including a certain photographer’s site, Adam Meyer’s, some hairdresser, possibly an artist, and more if my wife keeps this web-for-barter thing up.


Chimpy Bourke-White…

So, I’m waist deep in building a website for Amazing Animal Productions, and will definitely keep everyone poster as things progress. Amazing chimps, amazing kitties, wolves, hawks, and more! You’ll see more about our adventures soon (We were teaching Cody the Chimp the finer points of how to use a 35mm camera. He also likes my cell phone a lot). Angel the chimp is an old pro, she takes pictures, drinks Evian, so Hollywood!

I’m working on a short film script as well as finishing book number 3. I need to stop sleeping!