A bit of advice…

I’m not sure when the best time is to plan a redesign of a website. But it’s certainly not when you’re also cleaning a new apartment, finishing a battle with a cockroach tribe, and planning a wedding. With all of this going on, I’m still trying to pick up a few hints about Dreamweaver so that my site will be a little crisper, a little cleaner, easier to navigate, etc. I plan to get excerpts up by the end of the week, but well, you know how that goes.

I’ve been searching for another wacky picture to keep viewers occupied (and distracted from my slloooowww update). I thought I wouldn’t be able to find it, and then I found this: a little movie clip making the rounds online about a haunted car commercial… (everyone loves a ghost story). So these producers, they’re making a car commercial, and it ends up that the footage is unusable. Why? About thirty seconds or so into it, a weird haze drifts across the screen, obscuring the car as it approaches the camera. Every time they try to re-shoot, same thing happens. So they give up. Some enterprising young PA took some of the footage and put it online. I think the creepiest part is the sound… you have to listen closely… and watch as the car drifts around the curve.

Click here to experience the paranormal!

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